Why Networking is the Key to Growing your Business in 2024 - Part 2


“One of the things I love to do is, maybe it’s from doing those dot to dots as a kid, but I love joining the dots and connecting people together and seeing the amazing synergy that can happen and develop into something, you know, quite marvellous!”

In part two of this episode of The Future-Proof your Business podcast, I’ve invited back the brilliant Vicky Labinger to explore the topic of networking, the good, the bad and the ugly and unpick some of the myths or stereotypes that people have about it.

We look at the impact that creating real genuine relationships and connections can have on your business and Vicky shares more about her new quiz and BETA programme to help you get the most out of networking and stop feeling so icky about it.

If you do nothing else today, go and take Vicky’s quiz and share with us your score and your networking personality type, you’ll find the link below:

Vicky Labinger Resources:

Get your Network Working Programme -

Get Your Network Working - Vicky Labinger

Take the Networking Personality quiz - https://networkingpersonality.scoreapp.com/




Lucy Rennie Resources:

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CWP (Communicate with Purpose) Group | Facebook


    Vicky Labinger, Lucy Rennie

    Lucy Rennie 00:00

    Hi, and welcome back to the future TV business podcast with me your host, Lucy Rennie. And this episode is the first time we've done this, but it's actually part two of a brilliant conversation that I've been having with the wonderful Vicky Labinger. And so if you haven't listened to part one of our conversation, I really invite you to go back and listen to that first and then come back and find find us here ready for part two. And actually, in this conversation that we're having today, we're really going to be exploring the power of networking and the impact that building those real relationships with people and creating those Win Win collaborations and just kind of being authentic and real and getting to know people and building your network, just the power and the impact that that can have on your business. And that's what we're going to be talking about in this conversation in the second half with with Vicki. And it's quite funny, because you'll you'll hear, but I am. For me, Vicki is the absolute fairy godmother of networking. And it's just, it's so good to be having this conversation with it. And there's so many things that resonate for me. And I know if you've read my book, you'll know that, you know, for me, it's a huge part of future proofing your business. And if I've created something that's really sustainable, you'll know that yeah, I'm a massive believer in the power of of people that that, you know, it's all about people. And so networking is that and I think there's lots of myths around that there's lots of things maybe that we feel a bit icky about, and me included. There's certain things that I associate with the word networking that actually isn't what it's all about. And so that's what we're talking about with Vicki today. But also, if you are listening to this episode this week, so the first week of January, I just wanted to let you know that if you did want to deep dig a bit deeper. And if networking and kind of building those connections and those relationships is really on your sort of focus for for the year ahead. If it's one of your big intentions, then I'd really invite you to come and check out Vicki's new course that she's going to be starting in the next couple of weeks, which actually shuts tomorrow. And she's so she's launching the beta version of it, and it's called Get your network working programme. And I know it's going to be brilliant. I'm not an affiliate or anything like that. I just think Vicki's brilliant and I think there's so much value in what she's going to be sharing with you and how that can impact your business. So if this is something that you are interested in, then go and have a nosey or have I'll put all the links in the show notes. But do you know do go in and see what it's all about. And even if you don't sign up for the programme, at least go into Vicky's quiz which we talk about in the in the episode. So on that note, I'm going to leave you to to listen to enjoy. And I look forward to hearing your feedback. I'd look forward to hearing what you think. And I can't wait to be sharing more podcast episodes with you over the next few weeks, months and the year 2024. So here's to here's to networking. Here's to the power of networking. Take care. So what what did you learn then from kind of bringing on these second business? And then where are we up to now in terms of so we you obviously had this day with Zoey? I was because I've met you that night? That's when we saw that that night? Yeah, so because yeah, so tell us more than how did it? Yeah. How did you go from that kind of light bulb moment to? Yeah, taking it

    Vicky Labinger 03:38

    for wherever I am now. Yeah, I think I recognise that. There were I was trying to do too many things that all of us we've got, you and I were talking before we came on to record about, you know, our to do list sounds like personal to do list. chores, lists, family lists, we've always got too much to do. There's always I've always had my fingers in lots of different pies. And I came to a realisation that if I keep trying to spread myself too thin, it's never going to work. And that day with Zoey made me realise that there's four things that I want to do. But two of them are sort of parked for the next six months. They're not absolutely parked, but they're more working ideas in the back of my head. So when I'm doing things that, oh, it's taking me on the path to get to the third and fourth thing that I want to do, but really about focusing on I mean, right now I'm really just laser focused on one thing, which is quite unlike me, because usually I'm bouncing around between lots of different things. But right now I'm just focused on one thing and when that one thing is ready, then I'll move on to the next thing. It doesn't mean I'm not working on everything, but it is not absorbing, you know, 30 hours of my of my working week. I'm very much focused on one thing Talking about one thing and then we'll move on to the next thing so that and that's really I don't know if you've come across somebody called. I don't know if he was the first person to say it, but it's where I've heard it from. The founder of BNI is a guy called Dr. Ivan Meisner. But if you've ever come across Dr. Ivan Meisner, that he talks about working in your flame and not your wax that I know, you might have heard a similar expression.

    Lucy Rennie 05:24

    Yeah, I wouldn't I call it his own genius for me. But I think yeah, a lot of people thing, but we're getting it sweet spot. Yeah.

    Vicky Labinger 05:34

    Or those kinds of Yeah. And I, he very much talks about working in the flame, the flame being the bit you're excited about you're in love with. And actually, when you talk about it, there is a sparkle in your eye. Whereas working in your wax, it's like, Oh, I've got to do that job today that I really don't want to do, or you procrastinate over your to do list because you just know, there's stuff on there that inspires you in no way. And therefore you don't want to do it. And, and I realised I wasn't working on the things that I that really got me excited and got me on fire. And that's kind of what Zoey saw in me when I started talking about what I did. And that's how I then kind of created my pillars for so it was to say, right, these are the four things I'm going to work on. And and I'm only going to work on two of them at a time. But really one is going to be you know, leaps ahead of the other. But as I said at the very near the beginning, I am really fortunate that I've got a little bit capacity to be able to take that time. And I know not everybody can do that. And, you know, I am still designing at the same time. But I kind of bought the level of design work that I do down to allow me to have this space to figure out this kind of next part of my of my journey. So now you'll love the topic because I know it's a favourite topic of you. Or you wish it was a favourite topic, but

    Lucy Rennie 07:01

    talk about this. Yeah, I did the quiz. So Well, it'd be interesting. It was interesting to see what came out. But yeah, no. And I think you're right. I love the idea. I've never heard of it being called in your flame and your wax. But it's a great, actually, it's a really great way of describing it, isn't it? And I talked about in the book about the zone of genius in the sense of sometimes as well, I think we it's almost like we're told right from when we're younger. We all were made to feel if something's easy, and we're enjoying it. We mustn't be doing it enough, or we mustn't be doing it right. Or it's something that we've not done it. You know, there's something which only it's only supposed to be for fun, isn't it? Yeah, it's supposed to do that bit for your fun and your enjoyment. And that should be Yeah, the large part of your day. Like, yeah, we're sort of told to dismiss it. Or we think that we can't possibly be that easy. So we must be doing it wrong. So I'm not going to talk about it. So the thing and it's there's something and me being a French speaker, so I lived in France. So there's an there's actually an expression in French called Zealand yet, which means I've got fire at the bottom of my tummy. I'm buzzing. I'm kind of on fire and like your lips. Yeah. And that's how I come from that because in my head, I'm trying to say July neck in English, but you can't because it doesn't exist. But it's exactly it's actually the flame, isn't it? What you're saying it's that. And it's that buzzy feeling when you kind of come in the right place and doing it?

    Vicky Labinger 08:30

    Yeah, I think a lot of people probably feel like that when they you know, they've perhaps got a dare I say a hustle that they really enjoy. And then they convert that hustle into a full time job and then realise they don't love it as much. Then it becomes like, oh, but if you can, if you can find what it is that you love, which is not easy. It's not Yeah, there's no magic button or that you just press on a keyboard it says Tell me what my magic job is. Only that is easy. Yeah, in

    Lucy Rennie 08:59

    fact, I was talking about yesterday with a load of engineers spend the time making handtools but actually getting them to think about what is it that gets them open and it came out, you know, they love seeing things from the beginning to the end or they love solving problems or one of them was he's he's also a mountain rescue person, his spare time he loves helping people, you know, kind of get to the top of the mountain of the bus. Is that tapping into that? So yeah, I'm 100% with you. So we found the blame. Is that how you say it?

    Vicky Labinger 09:28

    Yeah, I guess so. Yeah. Okay. So what's that mean? Well, people have probably grown if they're listening now, because they're like, Oh, God, I don't want to do that. But, you know, because you've known me for a little while now. I am a massive networker. And I don't necessarily like the word networker, but I am a big believer in building relationships, and making connections and I one of the things I love to do is maybe I just used to love Dr dot dot two dots as a kid, but I love joining the dots and connecting people together. And seeing that, you know, person A and person B, you know, if actually I connect them together, there's an amazing synergy that can happen and develop into something, you know, quite marvellous, potentially, or they just need each other. You know, I'm stuck with this, and I need somebody to help me. And let me show you this connection here. So I've been networking for sort of three years now. And I didn't I, I didn't think of it as networking in my earlier career. And it was only when I sort of started to think about what I was going to do around networking. I mean, I was sort of prompted to say, well, when did you start networking, I'm like, I don't really know, because it wasn't really a word. But it was all if I talked about networking is building relationships. I've always built relationships, whether it be the team, I work with the people, I work for the clients that I have, if I haven't got a great relationship, and they know what makes me tick, I know what makes them tick. And we know what each other's got to deliver. And you know, kind of things don't really happen as they should. So yeah, I am a what I call a ninja network, I've given myself my own title. And I am all about helping people see the power of networking. Now, you and I have had a good conversation about this face to face when we met, not everybody loves networking. There are people that are reluctant. They're like, Oh, gosh, I have to do it. We're handing off to guy now do I have to go and talk to people that I don't know? What am I going to talk to them about? They're going to be really boring, I'm going to be stuck with that person in the corner that nobody wants to talk to. Through to people that are I recognise that it's right for my business. But I'm not sure how to do it to people that I see on a really regular basis that are ninjas themselves. But I've perhaps got a little bit too complacent with their networking. And it's, you know, it's just become comfortable and normal. So, yeah, I'm really out to show people the power of having a really strong network. And in my design business, when I set that up, I had no network. And I went along to this networking meeting. And over the last two and a bit years, 80% of my revenue has come through my network. So you know, I haven't spent any money on advertising. And to have I should post on social media more, but I don't, but because I get what I need from my network, and I would much rather build those relationships than perhaps just to kind of check something out there and see if it sticks in an online space. So yeah, I'm all about the networking.

    Lucy Rennie 12:49

    I'm just smiling because you spent a you call yourself a ninja, a ninja networker, and I've just got a picture of you in my head as like a you know, like a fairy godmother in and pantomime that's beautiful and glittery, and kind of Dr. Monty on sort of flying across the stage of the magic wand. That's how I picture you because, and again, this is the bizarre, this is why it's so good, what you're doing, because so I 150% agree with you the fact that it's all about relationships, and you know, that's the ripple effect. It's all about people. And that's kind of yes, it's how I've grown my business. And I wish everybody would just start here, rather than spending a load of money on advertising or tick tock on doing all these social media things that you know, is such a cold place to Yeah, we can get again, we'll have our soapbox alone. And it's so frustrating seeing people getting, you know, kind of Yeah, being distracted with all that. How having said that, there's something about networking. And it's that word I think and and whether it stems to me in the steel industry, maybe where we were told, you know, to go and build a network and kind of got stuck in especially women at that time it was kind of this was this thing about promoting women in Steel's we had to go network with other women is this kind of thrown into the room and it's it's you know me I'm gonna people this person ever but I'm also shy and I also don't you know, there's something awkward about I don't know. So the idea of formal networking for me it just makes me go queasy because the idea of walking into a room and making small talk I can't even do it the school gates I'm rubbish at it. You know, it's one of those ones that I just, you know,

    Vicky Labinger 14:39

    get it but I can't.

    Lucy Rennie 14:42

    So I think that's what I mean by you being this being on this crusade now almost of being this spark, bringing the magic of what you do so naturally here we got I've written down fairy godmother. I've got this image of you flying across the stage and sprinkling, you know, joining people up and


    Yeah, I think there's

    Lucy Rennie 15:02

    such a place for it because we've got it. I think there's such a stigma or some sort of kind of a, if, you know, without mentioning names you can you want mentioned earlier, and I know, the sort of kind of set networking groups that quite famous or well known that maybe have different reputations or different ways of doing things. And some of them might be, you know, again, because of different people or different ways of doing things, or whatever it is sort of, I think it gives it a bad name almost, you know, you kind of maybe sometimes not, not necessarily those groups, but something about networking, that maybe peep makes people go, Oh, I don't want to go and do that. Or why should I go into you know, what does that mean and things and I think, I think this 100%, I genuine actually, I do think people, it is all about people, I just want to do it in a nice way that doesn't make us feel icky and uncomfortable, and all those things. And again, it goes back to the listening, doesn't it about asking questions, but yeah, so tell us more than about what you mean? And what the How are you going to? What do you want to do with this? Where's it going? And what's what I

    Vicky Labinger 16:11

    want to what people, what I want people to realise is how powerful it is. So I think there is a definite record, there's definite recognition that meeting people in industries that are connected to your ideal client is a good way to grow your business. So I don't think anybody's arguing that actually connecting with somebody that you know, so if I talk to an architect, an architect is talking to my ideal client, because he'll be putting together plans to build a big extension, which they then mean, they need help with the, the internal design. So why would I not go and talk to as many architects, I can share the type of service that I offer, make them look like rockstars to their clients, and build a relationship. And I can go in to do that on a one to one basis. And that is networking, you don't have to go to an icky group, make small took juggle my, my worst networking groups are when it's a stand up meeting, you've got a drink in one hand, a small plate and another with perhaps some nibbles on and somebody tries to give you a business card. Yeah, I've only got two hands. But I'm really what I'm trying to do the programme I'm building, which launches later this month, yes, later this month, is about helping you find the right place to network for you as an individual. So whether that is more of a environment where perhaps there's a guest speaker, and then there's some informal networking afterwards. But the right network for you also also has to align with the goals that you set from networking. So and they're not just financial goals, there's not it's not about well, if I spend 100 pounds, I want 500 pounds back and I get a return on my investment. There are lots of other goals that you can set around networking, plus what's right for your business, I network with people that are employees, therefore, it's not their business, the way they network is very different than if you are the business owner. But the group I was at last week, you know, I asked them to do a raise of hands about who's who's the most passionate person about your business? Well, of course, it's you that owns it. Who cares the most, of course, it's you. So if it's your employees that are networking on your behalf, the way they do, it may be slightly different. And there may be an education piece around that. So there's so many I don't know if it was post COVID Or if it's been in the last 18 months, but the number of different networking groups that are popping up everywhere. So you've got the big global organisations, you've got local Federation of Small Business and your local chamber of commerce. But there's so many differences. I belong to one called the socialites, there's a group called The Sisterhood network where I live. Even today, I joined another group because I kind of want to see what they're up to, and how they bring networking. But I'm also I'm also want to help people be super practical, because I don't know about you when you go on a course. And you sign up for a programme and you get all the learnings and you scribble lots of notes and you get a nice workbook and yeah, you go on the Zoom call and you you take all the notes and you fold the book over and you put it up on your bookshelf like I would do and then you sort of forget about what you've learned and you don't really put me into practice. What I'm doing as part of kind of the networking that I want to show people is that I will teach a bit of learning and then you might not like this, but are there might you practice what you learn, but that will be in a nice safe space. So it is about practising your pitch you know will be doing that in a nice safe space. So you can fluff your words 10 times before you get it right or get the order of things that you want. Because we don't practice this stuff, we learn it, but we don't, we never put it into practical application. So you know me, I'm a very practical person. I want to build something that people see the power, I give them the tools, but they practice it before they kind of go out into the big wide world of networking in a nice, safe bubble ish. I'm gonna I am gonna make you go out of the bubble. And you will do small don't lose the best thing you told me, I don't do small talk.

    Lucy Rennie 20:40

    But it comes in, it's true. Yeah, that's where the listening gods is good. That's where you know, it's really good to making it about other people, not you. But no, it. I love everything about this. And I think it's, it really is so important for people to see that it's just is about people. And, you know, that's the best way of growing your businesses that isn't it. It's about. And I think, I suppose the bit where I know you're going to be that magic. We know that the fairy godmother is because it's people but it's trust. And it's that goodwill, isn't it, and it's kind of getting to know each other so that then you can either like you were talking about right at the very beginning, when you were saying, you know, you reached out to your network, but they know, you know they reached out to you it's reciprocal isn't it is where it gets kind of it's two way. And I think that's the bit that we want to embrace and share and bring to the forefront. Because I think sometimes we can get this this opinion of networking that you go in there, and you're gonna get stuck in the corner with the most boring person in the world who's going to talk at you? Or they're going to ask you to go and refer you like, why would I refer that person? Why would I trust you know, so I think if we can embrace the fact that actually, the more you can get to know somebody like I wouldn't hesitate to recommend you. Okay, yeah. only met once. But we've got to know it. No, absolutely. You're the first person to come back on the podcast. I mean, that, you know, that's it's ace. But I think the it's that it's that trust that comes with the people, isn't it? And it's that trust in recommendations. And it's, it's almost trust through association, you don't actually have to know that person. But if you already trust someone who trusts and want to trust, you know, then that's you're halfway there to grow in your business. I think it's 82% of all referrals, start all business referrals, start by somebody asking for a recommendation. So 8% of all business purchases. Start with somebody asking for a recommendation. So before they go on Google, you'll go, Oh, can you tell who you know, consumer communications expert, or can somebody? How am I mean that this just says it all, doesn't it? And

    Vicky Labinger 22:57

    we touched your network first. Yeah, I mean,

    Lucy Rennie 23:01

    we we pair dresses in whatever restaurant so

    Vicky Labinger 23:04

    every everything we do, we will ask for recommendation. Now there's that said I was at a client's house earlier. And we were talking about some cabinetry that she potentially needs building and I said, Have you got a carpenter? And she said, No, I don't. I don't really have a carpenter, I've got the other traits that I need. And like, that's no problem at all. I meet a couple of guides. One guy I meet every Thursday morning as part of networking, I can look him in the eye. I know. I know, he's not gonna let me down. Because if he lets me down, he's gonna get a tonne of job from me, let alone you. But I've built a connection with him. He knows how I work. I know how he works, I won't push him to try and deliver something that doesn't work in a timeframe because then I know I won't get a good job. But I've only I've built that relationship to know that with him. And therefore when I recommend him for a piece of work, it will come with a you might have to wait six weeks, eight weeks for him because that's what his bandwidth is. I'm not going to recommend you somebody now that you think you can pick up the phone and they're just going to drop everything for you. But it is a quality recommendation. Yeah. And I'm always being asked to my friend, my friend circle, I had a friend messaged me the other day, so one recommended HR expert. And then she came up with three questions straightaway should I'm really sorry that I'm in the car with the husband. And he's got some problems at work. He's just been made the Managing Director, she's and he's got a lot of problems to sort out. So we're just talking and I'm, you know, just getting him people and I'm like, it's no problem. It's all about who you know, and who you trust that can help. Whether it's your friends, your family or your clients. Yeah, and you will only do that through building relationships. You won't do that through sitting in your office not talking to anybody during the sermon.

    Lucy Rennie 24:48

    Any kind of like, you know, there's a whole chapter in my book about this, that it's it's exactly that and it's it's how to capture that and how to do it in a place that comes from value. So that And I mean, almost our inner values as well, because you talked about at one point you were saying about earlier on in the conversation, we have been talking for a dozen a little bit, but where you said, it's okay to not want to work with people or sack clients. Yeah. On the flip side of that, if we actually are true to ourselves and a real genuine relationships, what tends to happen as well as, like, attracts like,

    Vicky Labinger 25:24

    you know? Yeah,

    Lucy Rennie 25:25

    I mean, you will then get referred or recommended to people who share the same values or share the same, you know, 100%, the same kind of people that, you know, you want to be attracting? And that's what's magic about it, isn't it? That's the kind of the ripple effect that then it's like, yeah, it's never ending. And it's, it's, it's literally how I've grown my business after eight years to to where it is today. And 10 It's still happening now. It's just through doing a good job and beaten, beaten with people that trust you and be recognised that it's people. So yes, yeah, I mean, I,

    Vicky Labinger 25:59

    I've got, I've got what I would call friends now that I've met through networking, that I didn't know three years ago, that if I put an emergency call out at three in the morning, they would move heaven and earth to do whatever I need to do. I mean, my poor builder bless him. I love him dearly. Shout out to Craig. You know, find him find him on a Friday afternoon at four and go, I've got a really big problem at a client's I need, I need a couple of guys in there tomorrow, and he will move heaven and earth for me. And if he can't do it. I know he he's tried his hardest to help me out. Yeah, and I work in reverse as well. But I know that I don't I try not to do it too often. Because I think if you do that too often people are like, Oh my gosh, he's just so disorganised. But things don't always go to plan when you're up in a house apart. And I do need sometimes need a guy to go in on a Saturday and do something and he's somebody I can just I could pick up the phone at nine o'clock on a Friday night. You can't probably can't help me at that point. But he'll do his damnedest to see what you can do for me. And, yeah, we become lifelong friends. It isn't about there is a lot of business, it's done. Don't get me wrong. I'm in a really strong group where we pass a lot of business, which is amazing. But we've also got amazing friendships and connections. And as one of our members says, there's nobody you have to avoid when you walk down.

    Lucy Rennie 27:20

    That's because like attracts like almost imagine that. And that's a really good point. Because I think there's some businesses where referrals do come easier of it's kind of what do I mean by that? So it's more of a transactional kind of, yeah, where actually is about with, you know, whereas this other one you need.

    Vicky Labinger 27:42

    You need a light switch moving, you need an electrician, yeah, you want to move all your pensions to a new savings investment scheme, you're going to think a lot more about that. And the person that you're going to do that with then it took me a year to get to know my IFA, my financial advisor before I said, You know what, I'm going to put some of my money with you and see what happens. Because there

    Lucy Rennie 28:04

    Yeah, and that's a really good point in what you're going to be doing is actually it's not a one size fits all for everybody. It's not doesn't mean a quick fix, either. And that's where it's, it can work for all because I think sometimes we can go on networking is just for these people or this and actually, it's not it's about people it's isn't it? Yeah, 100%. And even those who are working with corporates or SMEs, like like me, we sometimes have a tendency to think, oh, it's very professional, it's an email, you know, it's a kind of a, they're not real people in the corporate world, as you know, and actually it's not, it's the opposite. We've caught their people, and it's still about relationships, and trust and all those things. So I think that's what's exciting about what you're doing. It's kind of opening the doors and letting people see the benefits of this. And I think just coming back to what you were saying about your builder friend. I know we've talked about this before, but those who are listening, who were part of my communicate with purpose group that began in COVID, which actually a lot of them were those came on the day of the getting done workshop we did in August, but that was purely every week showing up. And that was really it was a network. You know, it was a first night networking. We're a network of ladies. And, you know, none of half of us still today. I think a lot of them haven't met each other. But because of being in that place and create getting to know each other in the tears. And you know, you can imagine what it was like, I know and very often they say they would put their lives in their hands each other's hands if they needed to, you know, because it's so powerful that trust in like you were saying you can count on them, you know? Yes. 100% Yeah.

    Vicky Labinger 29:43

    So you started a networking group.

    Lucy Rennie 29:49

    on my own terms, I think that's the

    Vicky Labinger 29:50

    thing. Yeah, no, that's yeah. And people have said to me, oh, so does that mean you're going to start a networking group? I'm like, No, it doesn't mean I'm starting a networking group. But Maybe a networking directory over time. But the, you know, 2024, for me is about getting more people networking, but giving them the skills, tools, confidence that they that they would like to have in their kitbag before they go out and do it because everybody's like, I need to do you know, on your objectives for 2024, you might have written go do more networking, but you know, you look at that on your list and you're like, I move that to the next quarter, or I move that to the next quarter. I do that in q4. Actually, if you just you want to come and get some skills to be able to do that in a way that works for you. And feels good for you, then that's really what I want to help people with, for 2024.

    Lucy Rennie 30:40

    And what you've just said there in the fact that you said doing it in a way that works for you. And feels good for you is for me, that's it. I don't think you need to. I think the whole thing is and you know, for me, that's about business anyway, is that you do what you want to enjoy it and you want to do it in a way that works with others. So you don't have to go and post on social media every day. Everyone's

    Vicky Labinger 31:03

    on tumbleweed, isn't it? Oh, my God.

    Lucy Rennie 31:05

    Yeah. And I think that's the thing is kind of we again, breaking those barriers so that I do a thing called a connection mapping with people were actually just getting them to put their network down on paper really is what it is. Because actually, that is the school gate. You know, is the pub on a Friday night is your football club, it is the guys you go running with or the baby. It's people who know you and much more. You have to be your ideal clients who recommend you because they might not even have ever worked with you. But they'll definitely say I trust her to get you know, oh, that's what Lucy does. So yeah, making sure they know. Yeah, making sure they know what you're doing and stuff. But I think that's it, it's kind of doing this in a way that works for you. It doesn't have to be that icky. Please go round and round, second pitch and stand up. And then you know,

    Vicky Labinger 31:49

    I like all of that. So I live in that space. But so I you know it through September, I did a lot of research and a lot of face to face interviewing, I did a lot of zoom interviewing, I collect some data. And you know, there are plenty of people out there that do not want to stand up and do a 62nd pitch about their business, I get that. But you should still be able to. If you meet somebody for the first time, the things that you want to go away with them. You do want them to remember your name, your business and what it is that you do. So Vicky lab and Joe Mike labour came, she's an interior designer, if you only remember those three things, but getting people to remember those three things, is not an easy feat. So it's about giving you the skills to well, how can you become memorable and I'm not saying you need to, you know, go and do in a silly dance or wear a silly outfit. But there's there's tricks that you can use to help people remember who you were easier. Yeah. Because if you can't remember somebody's name or their business, if you say to me, Well, do you know? Do you know an interior designer? Do you know any interior designers? Listen, you'll go well, yeah, I know. This was her name is Vicky. Businesses called straightaway, you're like, I don't I'm not interested in this connection. This isn't somebody you know, at all. But if you can go Do you know what? I know, this amazing lady called Vicky lavinda. She's not that local to us. But she runs a business called My favourite comb. And I've seen some of her design work. Would you like me to connect her? What you're gonna do? What's the difference in the conversation? You're straightaway gonna go? Oh, yeah, she sounds great. Thanks. Yeah, so it's teaching some of those little tips as well, as well as how to avoid the most boring person in the room. Yeah. Is there more there, unfortunately. And as I say, to some people, if there's nobody there, maybe it shows.

    Lucy Rennie 33:38

    Yes, exactly. That's why listening is good. Because actually, sometimes that can be the one thing that people remember you for is actually the fact that you're not talking about them, but you're actually interested in what they're talking about.

    Vicky Labinger 33:53

    There's a balance of too much, though. Yeah.

    Lucy Rennie 33:55

    Yeah. Great. I agree. So what's the kind of let's get quickly nitty gritty, what's happening next, because this is going to come out in the next couple of weeks. So I know you've ordered deadline, and you've got lots of things going on. So what do people need to do? And maybe is there I'm going to put you on the spot. Now, you're gonna hate me for this. But I know you've got some tools out there. And I know you've got a programme. So tell us about that. And then how is there a challenge or is there something that we can get people to do that's going to help you so they're doing it, you know, to be nice and kind and share, but also kind of gives them a bit of a taste of what you mean by networking and building relationships? Yeah.

    Vicky Labinger 34:40

    Put me on the spot. I'm just scribbling some notes. So what's next is I am launching a programme on Black Friday. So there will be a Black Friday offer deal out. The programme is called Get your network working, played with lots of words, but those are the words that are come up with. And it is a three month programme, where I will, it's an online live course where I will teach one week. And then you'll do practical application. So there'll be six, six kind of learning lessons and then six opportunities to really practice what you've learned. And there will be sort of a whatsapp support group for that and a place to kind of practice. I've got workbook with it as well. I do appreciate that people don't necessarily want to spend three months doing a programme. So we'll also be doing launching that as a day activity in q1, but I'm launching that on Black Friday. So that's when the cart will open. Why is

    Lucy Rennie 35:44

    the 24th 24th Yeah, yeah. And

    Vicky Labinger 35:49

    the there'll be an offer price on it, which will run until the 30th of November, and then it will go up to its full price. So if people follow me at Viki lab ninja, across any of the socials, you'll certainly get notification on that or you can head over to the Q lab engine.com/networking. Find out more about the programme and then there is also a waitlist. But if you really want to find out what type of networker you are, you may have an idea. I have got a watch on networking personality type quiz out there at the moment, and I'm sure you'll put a link in the show notes for that. But again, if you come and find Vicki lab ninja anywhere, I am talking about it in all my social spaces. It's really just to find out what type of networker you are, and then give you some tips about what you can and the types of things that you can do for your personality type. So I'm a ninja, you were a novice when you took

    Lucy Rennie 36:46

    was a ninja, but because I kind of know what I need to do. But yeah, so you.

    Vicky Labinger 36:52

    Yeah, yeah. So I've got four different personality types. And what I'm seeing so far with people that have taken the quiz is about 60% are novices 15%, reluctant. So there's plenty of people that know they should, but they don't want to. I've got a very small number that are unconfident and the rest are ninjas. So it's really a really good mix of the different personality types. But as part of doing that quiz, you will see some, you'll get some tips on what you can do for your particular personality type. And then you'll find out more about the programme as it launches. And just as a little teaser, I've just been sent and it's hilarious. I'll forward it to you. I've just been sent the blooper reel. So I recorded quite a lot of video for my quiz for the different personality types, and then just kind of support what I'm doing. So I videoed with somebody in my network for a day. And yes, well, quite a lot because I couldn't get my words in the right order. And I've just been sent the blooper reel. So I will be sharing that on my social soon. Excellent. So if you're catching up on this, go back and have a look at my social the blooper reel. It's quite funny. Because we're not all perfect away. So yeah, the quiz is the first place to start. And in terms of a challenge. I would say what would I say? I would go through your phone and stop at a letter. Pick a letter pick a letter of the alphabet. Lucy? What letter Jul L. Felice literally say so I would want you to go through into your else. I wish to look through all your connections that are the letter L. And all those that are business owners without looking at the details from them. Can you tell me their full name, the name of their business and what their business category is? That will tell you whether you're building relationships and really understanding what people are doing. Okay, that's a great you can't be it'll be like, because I've got plenty of names in my phone where I'm like, when did I meet them? What I do is, I've got, I've got a box in my office that's got all my business cards in that I collect. And at the end of every week, I go through all the business cards and put them in my phone and categorise them and make sure I've got all the details. So if I am looking for something in particular, or somebody asks me for perhaps something that's a bit unusual, I can grab out my phone, but it is about knowing the connections in your phone. So if you don't know some of those ELLs, it's either time to reach out and find out what they're doing go and see what they're up to or starting a conversation

    Lucy Rennie 39:41

    with them like it and just to say as well because I'm looking at my now I've got things like Louise Anna's mum it dance clubs. I literally Yeah, it's quite funny. But just to say having done the quiz And just because Vicki's not actually selling this properly, just do the quiz and get the advice and the tips, because it's not just a quick thing that you know, you see a lot of these quizzes where it's like three things because they just want to get your email this isn't that

    Vicky Labinger 40:14

    Oh, nice. Yeah, now I've had I've actually one of the things I'm, I guess I'm really proud of because it's the first quiz I've ever done, is of all the people that have clicked and given me their email address. All but three have completed it. Which, which always says to me people are is 15 questions. And I've had some really good feedback that found that really interesting, it was really thought provoking. And they have gone all the way to the end of the quiz. So I guess that's like a completion rate metric in quiz language? I don't know. But yeah, yeah, over 90 over 99% have completed the quiz that have that have given me the details. So I think hopefully, that says a lot about the engagement of the quiz. And it's going to get you thinking about what type of networking you are. So yes, please go take the quiz. Because

    Lucy Rennie 41:02

    just the questions themselves are good, thought provoking. But then the amount of value that Vicki gives you afterwards to sort of share who you are in your profile. And then next steps is massive in itself. So even just going and doing that is a real taster of Vicki yourself. And I think also it's testament to what your the stats that you're sharing that almost is a brilliant testament, what you're saying about attracting the right people who obviously want to kind of you know, they're they're interested in networking, hence why they're taking the quiz as well, which is exactly what you want to be doing, isn't it? So sometimes that we get caught up in a numbers game, but actually, it's more important sometimes have the right people who really you can help and add value to the necessarily, you know, a score that's out the window. So yeah, yeah,

    Vicky Labinger 41:47

    I mean, it's funny cuz guys in my networking group, like, well, I got an 78 and I got a 93. And I'm like, You know what, I've no idea what the numbers mean, I set the quiz up, created the framework in your either one of four late four names. They're like, but I've got 99 Does that mean I'm best at it? No, it does not mean you're better it means you score and then just

    Lucy Rennie 42:06

    go take the quiz. And there you go, and tag those in. So yes, or no. On socials. But you do share it on socials, give Vicky lab and you're limited a tag that would be amazing.

    Vicky Labinger 42:20

    And I will share it on from there as well. But yes, please take the quiz. And if you've got any questions around networking, just come over to pick up engine.com There's plenty of places to click on buttons and get in touch with me to to book a call. Talk about your networking journey. Talk about you know what you hate about networking. I did get plenty of hatreds in the original research that I did. But I also got plenty of love. It was you know, it's a real dichotomy of people thinking I love it. I hate it spit mom I Yeah. And this is one

    Lucy Rennie 42:47

    person you want to network with anywhere and get in touch and get in her little book, but she's just getting my book. You want to reach out who

    Vicky Labinger 42:55

    doesn't want to be in the fairy godmothers book? I mean, I can see a whole new branding programme on who doesn't want to be the fairy godmother. Thanks for that. That is

    Lucy Rennie 43:06

    brilliant. Thank you so so much for for coming on, Vicki and sharing again. You're welcome. Thank

    Vicky Labinger 43:11

    you for having me again.

    Lucy Rennie 43:12

    No, I'm done excited about the programme. So I have to get you back on again. Maybe at the end of the first programme that you've run to tell us how it went and kind of feedback on what you've learned and what yeah, how it goes on everybody. So have a brilliant rest of the day. Good luck with everything. And for those listening. Yes, do the challenge. So pick a letter go in and let's have a bit of fun with it. It's a bit like is it Michael McIntyre that does that on stage and pinches a celebrity's phone doesn't Yes.

    Vicky Labinger 43:37

    sends them a random text. I'm not a centre all or centre.

    Lucy Rennie 43:46

    That'd be interesting with it. Maybe that's fair. Yeah, another time maybe. But um, yes, do the take the challenge, but then go and do the quiz. I'll put all the links in the in the show notes. And, yeah, exciting. Here's to Black Friday and Friday, the fairy godmother of networking. Thank you so much, Vicki. See you soon. All right. Bye for now.


How are you showing up for your business in 2024?


Why Networking is the Key to Growing your Business in 2024 - Part 1